Elliott School Room 2


  Homework Board

Text Box: English/Language Arts
Text Box: reminders
Text Box: Mathematics
Text Box: Science
Text Box: Social Studies

Upcoming Events






Contact Ms Sena


Friday Folders to be returned on Tuesday.



CAASPP  testing next week-Math



Track Meet practice on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays after school

Friday, May 26



Matrix  TTT                                                                         



1. Accelerated Reader, work to meet your goal! 90-95% by Tuesday.


2. “Read Non-Fiction books for AR

3. “Stuffed Animal” passage, and quiz the back side




1. Search for books at your ZPD level at ARbookfind.com


Friday Folders due Tuesday


1. U11 L4 and BBF


Watch videos of daily Swun lesson.


· When absent access swunmath.com, print out homework.

Username is student first name, ex:Sena

Password is student’s classroom roster number and first name

Ex: username: sena

login is: 30sena




2.  We are collecting recyclable items for our Science

car racer  unit.  Items such as; old CDs, toilet paper rolls,

paper towel rolls, plastic lids, small boxes, etc.



States and Capitals quiz on Tuesday. Study!